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Hilton Edwards

Hilton Edwards More Details: Hilton’s unique style of art is distinctively modern and abstract. His paintings explore the realms of consciousness and its relationship to matter and spirit. This inspiration is expressed by portraying these ideas onto canvas, by use of play on texture, colour and finishes. He is a self-taught artist and employs a variety of mediums including cements, natural dyes, acrylics and burlap (hessian cloth), exploring the earthly elements of colour and substance. His layered applications of different mediums onto textured surfaces explores space and the illusions it creates. Hilton has established and owned art galleries over the past decade. As an art consultant, he has curated numerous solo and group exhibitions both locally and abroad. At present he is concentrating on his own career as a fulltime professional artist. Besides his passion for art, Hilton’s other interests are African culture and Vedic philoso
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